AML Terms Explained: Reverse Money Laundering

We are all familiar with the idea of money laundering, which involves turning money obtained from illegal activities into seemingly legitimate funds. However, there is another, lesser-known concept called “reverse money laundering.” In this article, we will explore this concept and how it can be used in criminal activities.

Reverse money laundering refers to the process by which legal funds are turned into illegal money through illegal activities. For example, a criminal may use money obtained through fraud or corruption to invest in a business or to purchase properties in order to make it appear as if the funds come from legal sources. Thus, illegally obtained money is “reverse laundered” and becomes legally “clean.”

Although reverse money laundering is less well-known than classic money laundering, it is just as dangerous and should be considered in anti-money laundering strategies. In many cases, criminals can use this method to avoid investigations and to hide their sources of illicit income. They can also use reverse money laundering to try to replace losses suffered from illegal activities.

To prevent reverse money laundering, it is important to track and verify sources of funding and suspicious financial transactions. Financial institutions need to be vigilant and investigate any suspicious transaction that appears to be intended for reverse money laundering.

In addition, authorities need to closely collaborate with financial institutions and other law enforcement agencies to monitor and investigate any suspicious activity. It is important that these entities can cooperate and share information to have a clearer overall picture of criminal activities.


In conclusion, reverse money laundering can be just as dangerous as classic money laundering and can be used to hide illegally obtained sources of income. It is important for financial institutions and authorities to closely cooperate and carefully investigate any suspicious transaction. By rigorously monitoring all financial transactions, we can help combat reverse money laundering and protect the integrity of the system.



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