Our online AML (Anti-Money Laundering) service

designed to provide advanced AML compliance solutions for a wide range of industries, including banking, payments, fintech, cryptocurrencies, insurance, investments, law firms, gambling, and real estate.

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We offer a wide range of AML compliance services

our services include: AML Name Screening: Using advanced name screening technologies, we can identify and verify the identity of your customers and business partners, in accordance with AML compliance standards.

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We offer a wide range of AML compliance services to help you identify, monitor, and assess the risks associated with your financial transactions and customers.

Our online AML service provides a convenient and efficient solution to these issues, helping companies easily meet compliance requirements

AML Name Screening

provides an efficient and reliable solution for detecting and preventing criminal activities such as money laundering and terrorism financing in your business.

AML Transaction Monitoring

we monitor and analyze your customers' financial transactions to identify suspicious transactions and prevent money laundering or terrorist financing activities.

Adverse Media Screening

we can identify any negative events or information related to your customers or business partners and identify potential AML compliance risks.

Sanction List Screening & Monitoring

perform rigorous checks on individuals and entities involved in your business, using state-of-the-art technologies to detect any association with politically exposed persons or public officials.

Our online courses offer a diverse range of topics and skills.

Online courses provide convenient and flexible access to education, allowing learners to pursue their interests and career goals from anywhere in the world at their own pace.

About company

In the increasingly strict context of global compliance, it is essential for businesses in these industries to take appropriate measures to protect themselves against money laundering and terrorist financing risks. Our online AML service provides a convenient and efficient solution to these issues, helping companies easily meet compliance requirements.

Our online AML (Anti-Money Laundering) service provides a wide range of compliance services, such as AML Name Screening, AML Transaction Monitoring, Adverse Media Screening, Sanction List Screening & Monitoring, PEP List Screening & Monitoring, Customer Risk Assessment, and is designed to meet the compliance needs of specific industries, such as Banking, Payment, Fintech, Crypto, Insurance, Investment, Law Firms, Gambling, and Real Estate.

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