our services

Our online AML service

We offer a wide range of AML compliance services to help you identify, monitor, and assess the risks associated with your financial transactions and customers. Our online AML service provides a convenient and efficient solution to these issues, helping companies easily meet compliance requirements

Our services

AML Name Screening

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) name screening is a process that involves checking individuals or entities against a list of known or suspected money launderers, terrorists, or individuals subject to economic sanctions.

AML Transaction Monitoring

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) transaction monitoring is a process used by financial institutions and other businesses to detect and prevent money laundering and other financial crimes.

Adverse Media Screening

Adverse media screening is a process used by businesses and organizations to identify potential risks associated with customers, vendors, and other entities with whom they conduct business. Adverse media refers to negative news or information about an individual or organization, such as allegations of fraud, corruption, money laundering, or other illicit activities.

Sanction List Screening & Monitoring

Protect your business from the risks associated with negative reputation and image with our AML adverse media screening service! We conduct rigorous checks on individuals and entities involved in your business

PEP List Screening & Monitoring

Protect your business from the risks associated with PEPs and ensure that your business partners are trustworthy with our PEP List Screening & Monitoring service! We perform rigorous checks on individuals and entities involved in your business, using state-of-the-art technologies to detect any association with politically exposed persons or public officials.

Customer Risk Assessment

Protect your business from the risks associated with PEPs and ensure that your business partners are trustworthy with our PEP List Screening & Monitoring service! We perform rigorous checks on individuals and entities involved in your business, using state-of-the-art technologies to detect any association with politically exposed persons or public officials.

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