What are the 3 Stages of Money Laundering?

Money laundering is an illegal process through which individuals or organizations try to cover the illicit origin of money through various means. The process involves three main stages: placement, layering, and integration. In the following, we will discuss each stage in detail and understand what each stage involves.

Stage 1: Placement

Placement is the first stage of money laundering and involves introducing illicit funds into the legal financial system. This can be done through various means, such as depositing money into bank accounts or purchasing expensive assets such as real estate, jewelry, or other assets that can later be sold to recover the money.
Placement can be done by criminals through the use of shell companies or through legal businesses that can accept cash payments. Criminals can also use tools such as credit cards or bank transfers to place the money into a bank account.
The purpose of this stage is to make illicit funds appear legal and to introduce them into the legal financial system without being detected by the authorities.

Stage 2: Layering

Layering is the second stage of money laundering and involves separating the funds placed in multiple transactions and mixing them with other funds. This process is carried out to confuse the trails of illicit funds and make it difficult to track them.
In this stage, money is transferred through multiple bank accounts or across different countries, and shell businesses are used to mix the money with other funds. This stage can be accomplished through complex financial transactions and the use of different financial instruments such as futures contracts, options, or structured products.
The purpose of this stage is to make the illicit funds appear less detectable and more difficult to trace for the authorities.

Stage 3: Integration

After the funds obtained from illegal activities are injected into the economy, the next stage is the integration phase. In this stage, the money obtained through money laundering is integrated into the legal economy through various means so that it appears to be legitimate funds.



Generally, there are three ways in which this integration can be accomplished:

Investments in economic assets – This can be a preferred method of money laundering for those who obtain illegal profits. They can invest their money in economic assets such as real estate, stocks, and other financial investments. This method of integrating funds obtained through money laundering can be difficult to detect because investments can be made under false names or through offshore companies.

Depositing money into bank accounts – This method is the simplest and can be used by anyone who wants to hide money obtained from illegal activities. Money launderers deposit their funds into bank accounts, which can be opened in their name or in the name of an offshore company. These bank accounts can then be used to make transactions and payments so that the money appears to be legitimate.

Cash-out – This is a method by which money is withdrawn from bank accounts in cash. Money launderers can use several methods to withdraw their money in cash, such as withdrawing through ATMs, transferring money through money transfer services, or through intermediaries.


The three stages of money laundering are important to understand how this illegal activity is carried out. Understanding these stages can help prevent and combat money laundering by identifying ways in which money is laundered and by adopting appropriate protective measures. Additionally, there are a number of government and non-governmental organizations that focus on preventing and combating money laundering, providing information and assistance services in this regard.



Co-founder & CEO of amlworldcheck.com. He has worked for more than 15 years in the tech industry with focus on bringing ideas to life, and building great teams and products. At sanctions.io he is mainly responsible for Business Development, Growth and Strategy.

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